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Marshall, Sam & Evelyn & Family
Front Left - Stuart Marshall - Killed in an automobile accident on February 14, 1975 behind Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina. He was 18 years old.
Front Right - Natalie Marshall, Stuart's sister, Donald and Sue's children.
Behind them - John Marshall, Vickie Sue Lewis Marshall, Donald Marshall. Sue died of a stroke on December 12, 1982. She and Stuart are buried in Evergreen Cemetery in Sumter, South Carolina.
Behind them - Ruth (Hyder) Marshall and Evelyn (Wray) and Sam Marshall, Sr., and Deanna (Marshall) Soles
Back Row - Sam Marshall, Jr., David Marshall, Sr. (Me), and Jason Soles (Behind Deanna).
This picture was taken in 1961 in our grandparents (Clyde & Parry Wray) front yard on pine Street in Mt. Airy, North Carolina. It was our grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary.
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